North Valley Public Health
115 S. Main Street, Suite 1
Warren, MN 56762
Call: 218-745-5154
Text: 218-242-9314
North Valley Public Health is open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4:30 pm
Our Maternal & Child Health Programs promote wellness through a continuum of comprehensive health care programs for women, young children and families.

North Valley Public Health has partnered with Polk county Public Health to offer a wide variety of reproductive and sexual health services.

Staying up-to-date on immunizations is a safe, easy and highly-effective way to help keep your family healthy.

Regular checkups beginning at birth give families and healthcare providers an opportunity to monitor a child’s growth and development, screen for concerns, and treat any ailments.

Weekly clinics are offered throughout Marshall County. Appointments include trimming nails, soaking feet, and blood pressure checks upon request.
This program is a fun chance to encourage kids 3 - 12 years of age to practice healthy habits this summer!

The North Valley Public Health staff offer a wide range of health services to our community!

The Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) supports community-driven solutions to expand opportunities for active living, healthy eating and commercial tobacco-free living.